
I feel weary.

Odd, isn’t it? Considering that technically I’m still on uni holidays… but I do feel weary.
I find myself weary due to jumping up and down for God. Sometimes, it wasn’t even jumping up and down, but it was running here and there for Him or for His people… or even being still in the midst of a storm. You wouldn’t think that being still would be tiring… but I would, personally. There is so much that is involved in being still and He rarely tells us to be still in calm, peaceful surroundings (go read a previous blog called “Stop Praying” if you would like to see what I’m talking about).

But this weariness thing is a legit thang… and THAT’S JUST IT – spiritual weariness ain’t nuthin’ but a thang.

If you’ve ever been in a rave room, a mosh pit or any kind of jump-up-and-down-for-whatever-reason-kind-of-place… you may understand what I’m referring to. It takes a lot of energy to remain enthusiastic over a long period of time.

SOMETIMES, you might need to leave the rave room, take a breather and come back in to keep on partying hard. If you don’t, it’s not great.

My best friend and I went on the same schoolies trip. Before you freak out, it was a Christian camp thing called Scripture Union and I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. These were in the days before we knew each other well, so I heard this story a while after it happened…

As I mentioned, it was a totally safe, drugs and alcohol free, Christian schoolies that we were on, so when I say that there was a rave room, I mean, it was a hardcore rave room with true ravers of steel. I was only in that room for a few songs at a time because LET ME TELL YOU, the room was THICK with CONDENSATION from THE AMOUNT OF SWEAT from ALL OF THE PEOPLE DANCING. I just want to also mention that THIS ROOM WAS AIR CONDITIONED, but it didn’t so much HELP. I believe my friend said that she danced to every song for the whole night… I’m pretty sure she also feinted and/or threw up from her exhaustion… I’ll have to check with her on the specifics of her adverse reactions, but it was pretty intense (so I hear). I would not have known what actually happened to her, because I was probably outside in the cool evening air drinking actual water and breathing actual air instead of trying to make do with the stench of sweat inside.

That’s not to say that I missed out entirely on the fun… Like I said, I went back into the rave room intermittently and raved just as hardcore… and you know what? I didn’t throw up or feint! I just DANCED… and, (no offense, bestie, when you no doubt read this blog and feel OUTRAGED by this next sentence), I probably danced with a lot more energy than my friend did, because she would have been ridiculously tired and gasping for breath.

In a similar way to me ducking in and out of the rave room at schoolies, it’s good to take a spiritual breather sometimes… The only issue with this would be if I chose to stay outside and watch everyone else dancing and just chill while they do all the work and/or party hard. Not only would I miss out on partying, I would be letting the team down.

You may (or may not) have noticed that I stopped writing my blog for a little while there… That was for a few reasons. One of them was that I had other things to do… another, was that I believed I didn’t have much else to write about and I thought very seriously about not writing anymore.

Tonight, I guess you could say that I decided to go back into the rave room and…
LO AND BEHOLD! I have something to write about now.

Weariness is not a problem, unless you allow it to become a problem. It’s always okay to take some time and just breathe… and after you have, come back into the rave room and dance.

Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”